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University of Idaho

UI Grad's Documentary on Migrant Crisis Shows at Kenworthy Dec. 22_University of Idaho[아이호대학교,미국대학교편입]

by 미국유학 상담전화 ☏ 02-523-7002 2015. 12. 28.

UI Grad's Documentary on Migrant Crisis Shows at Kenworthy Dec. 22_University of Idaho[아이호대학교,미국대학교편입]

A documentary film about the trafficking and shipping of people across the Mediterranean Sea will be shown at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2015, at the Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre, 508 S. Main St., in Moscow.

The film, "Lethal Cargo," is co-produced by investigative journalist Andrea Vogt, a University of Idaho graduate now based in Bologna, Italy. Drawing on dozens of interviews with migrants and refugees from as far afield as Gambia, Mali, Syria, Pakistan and Iraq, this program will give residents of the Palouse first hand insights into the Mediterranean migrant crisis. 

Vogt will introduce the 55-minute film and respond to questions after the showing. There is no admission charge, but donations will be accepted for Save the Children, a non-government organization that has taken the lead in providing relief to Mediterranean refugees.

The presentation is sponsored by the University of Idaho’s Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, the Martin Institute and the School of Journalism in the College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences, along with the Latah County Human Rights Task Force.

“The chaos and heartbreak we filmed on the front lines of the migrant crisis reveals that much more needs to be done to guarantee both safe borders and safe passage,” said Vogt, who also scripted the film. “This documentary reveals significant flaws in the system while giving a voice to the very people who need its help most.” 

The producers filmed in reception centers, on beaches and along the main routes of the migrant crisis in Greece, Italy, Turkey and Hungary. The film documents the lax security and the urgency shown by Greek authorities in moving Syrian refugees on towards northern Europe, an approach that let at least three of the terrorists involved in the Paris attacks travel unnoticed. 

It also documents the disasters at sea – the 366 dead in the Lampedusa shipwreck of 2013, the more than 700 dead in a ship that capsized in the Straits of Sicily in April 2015, and the perilous journey that has taken the lives of thousands of others. 

“We are fortunate to have this opportunity to learn more about the refugee crisis from someone who can both provide the political context and tell the human stories of this unprecedented tragedy,” said Kenton Bird, a UI faculty member who is helping to organize the showing.

Vogt is an independent journalist and documentary maker who reports on crime, politics and social affairs in Europe and the United States. Her dispatches have appeared internationally in print, online and broadcast media, including The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Week, BBC, Discovery Channel and A&E’s Crime and Investigation Network. 

She completed degrees in political science and German at the University of Idaho. Before moving to Europe, she was a reporter for the Lewiston Morning Tribune and The Spokesman-Review. Vogt is the author of “Common Courage,” which chronicled the story of the grassroots community battle led by Father Bill Wassmuth against the Aryan Nations and other neo-Nazi hate groups in northern Idaho.