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노스웨스트미주리주립대학교,Brunner representing Northwest, state as student ambassador_Northwest Missouri State University[미국주립대장학생 한미교육원]

by 미국유학 상담전화 ☏ 02-523-7002 2016. 12. 29.

노스웨스트미주리주립대학교,Brunner representing Northwest, state as student ambassador_

Northwest Missouri State University[미국주립대장학생 한미교육원]

Emily Brunner is one of 10 students representing colleges and universities throughout the state during the 2016-17 academic year as an ambassador for the Missouri Department of Higher Education. (Photo by Todd Weddle/Northwest Missouri State University)

By Lexi Ryan, media relations assistant

Northwest Missouri State University student Emily Brunner is amazed at the positive ways Northwest allows her to connect with diverse people from all walks of life.

“I chose Northwest Missouri State University because my major is agricultural-based and it made sense to stay in an area that is surrounded by agriculture,” Brunner, a sophomore agricultural science major from Cameron, Missouri, said. “Northwest has a very active and growing agriculture department that is catching the eyes of many students across the country.”

Brunner plans on becoming an environmental scientist and working for the federal government after completing her degree at Northwest. She participated in the living and academic learning communities her freshman year, which are designated floors in the residence halls for students studying in specific majors.

“Northwest is very hands-on with their students not only in the classroom but outside of it by helping students secure internships and job opportunities,” Brunner said. “The ‘learning and living’ community for agriculture majors is about making connections with students going through the same thing as you are and allowing the stress of college to be less of a burden.”

Brunner is one of 10 students representing colleges and universities throughout the state during the 2016-17 academic year as an ambassador for the Missouri Department of Higher Education. Ambassadors provide information to Missouri high school students about planning and paying for college. Student ambassadors also may be invited to serve on panel discussions with the Coordinating Board for Higher Education.

“When you decide to attend college there are great scholarships and financial assistance opportunities that can help with paying for that college diploma,” Brunner said. “College will help you achieve the career you’ve always dreamed of.” 

At Northwest, Brunner is involved in the professional agricultural sorority Sigma Alpha as well as Collegiate Future Farmers of America, the National Society of Collegiate Scholars and intramural sports.

“Northwest sets you up to succeed for experiences like this,” Brunner said. “It’s helped me get ready for different obstacles in life that I would definitely be uncomfortable with without that experience.”