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Report: A host of common chemicals endanger child brain development_UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA-CHAMPAIGN[일리노이대학교 어바나-샴페인캠퍼스,미국명문대어학연수] Report: A host of common chemicals endanger child brain development_UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA-CHAMPAIGN[일리노이대학교 어바나-샴페인캠퍼스,미국명문대어학연수] CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — In a new report, dozens of scientists, health practitioners and children’s health advocates are calling for renewed attention to the growing evidence that many common and widely available chemicals endanger neurodevelopment in fetuses and chi.. 2016. 7. 15.
Robot Earns its Shoes, Walks Like a Person_Georgia Institute of Technology[조지아공과대학교,미국명문대합격] Robot Earns its Shoes, Walks Like a Person_Georgia Institute of Technology[조지아공과대학교,미국명문대합격] Georgia Tech researchers have created a robot that walks while wearing shoes. The machine displays the heel-strike and toe push-off that is a key feature of human walkingWhat do you give a robot when it takes it first steps like a human? Its first pair of shoes. Georgia Institute of Technology researcher.. 2016. 7. 14.
Robot Helps Study How First Land Animals Moved 360 Million Years Ago_Georgia Institute of Technology[조지아텍편입,미국명문대편입] Robot Helps Study How First Land Animals Moved 360 Million Years Ago_Georgia Institute of Technology[조지아텍편입,미국명문대편입] When early terrestrial animals began moving about on mud and sand 360 million years ago, the powerful tails they used as fish may have been more important than scientists previously realized. That’s one conclusion from a new study of African mudskipper fish and a robot modeled on .. 2016. 7. 11.
Georgia Tech Introduces Two-Factor Authentication to Secure Data and Services_[조지아텍 어학연수,조지아텍편입]RETP .Georgia Tech Introduces Two-Factor Authentication to Secure Data and Services_[조지아텍 어학연수,조지아텍편입]RETP Beginning with the Office of Information Technology (OIT) in 2014, two-factor authentication started being implemented as an Institute-wide initiative aimed at protecting all Institute data and systems. Supported by DUO Security, two-step authentication further secures the Georgia Tech network a.. 2016. 7. 6.