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Kennesaw State names Student of the Year(케네소주립대 입학)Kennesaw State University[미국유학비용,해외대학장학금] Kennesaw State names Student of the Year(케네소주립대)Kennesaw State University Kennesaw State’s Division of Student Affairs named Myles Cardenas Student of the Year during the Second Annual Awards Ceremony. Cardenas was recognized along with more than three dozen individuals and organizations from among more than 100 nominations during the event, which was held at the new KSU Dance Theater in the Joe.. 2017. 6. 22.
Military service in the heart of a transfer student(조지아컬리지 주립대 학교)Georgia College State University[해외유학장학금,미국주립대학비] Military service in the heart of a transfer student(조지아컬리지 주립대 학교)Georgia College State University[해외유학장학금,미국주립대학비] Kamari Jett knows what he wants out of life. He doesn’t mind following his own guide because he understands that it is the only route to where he wants to be. Jett, a transfer student from Roswell, Georgia, will begin his junior year at Georgia College. Kamari Jett, a recent gradua.. 2017. 6. 21.
Language, history, culture – and science? GC professors and students embark on summer excursion to Berlin(조지아칼리지 주립대학교)[해외유학장학금,미국주립대학비] Language, history, culture – and science? GC professors and students embark on summer excursion to Berlin(조지아칼리지 주립대학교)[해외유학장학금,미국주립대학비] When people travel to Berlin, Germany, they often think of the city’s historic past – from the Weimar Republic to the cruelty of World War II. They think of a once-divided city that today is a tranquil center for the arts, museums, architecture, cuisine and mus.. 2017. 6. 21.
Karen Phipps named Deen Day Service to Mankind Award recipient(조지아서던대학교)GEORGIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY[미국 유학 설명회,미국유학컨설팅] Karen Phipps named Deen Day Service to Mankind Award recipient(조지아서던대학교)GEORGIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY[미국 유학 설명회,미국유학컨설팅] Karen Phipps, director of the College of Education’s EAGLE Academy, was named a recipient of the Deen Day Smith Service to Mankind Award announced during a May ceremony. The Deen Day Smith Awards honor Statesboro and Bulloch County citizens for their devotion to others and the c.. 2017. 6. 20.