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[KEC]Kennesaw State Director Receives Meritorious Service Award/케네소주립대[Kennesaw State University](해외대학장학금,유학생장학금지원)

by 미국유학 상담전화 ☏ 02-523-7002 2017. 8. 10.

[KEC]Kennesaw State Director Receives Meritorious Service Award/케네소주립대[Kennesaw State University]

APPA is pleased to recognize the contributions of Jodie Sweat, director of Facilities Operations & Maintenance at Kennesaw State University, with its 2017 Meritorious Service Award.

“Each year APPA members bestow the Meritorious Service Award upon no more than three members who have made significant, lifelong contributions to the profession of education facilities management,” said Paul Wuebold, vice president for APPA’s Professional Affairs and chair of the Awards and Recognitions Committee. “As a champion of sustainability issues and prime contributor to the creation of APPA’s Sustainability Award, Jodie’s passion has provided a platform for institutions to be recognized for the efforts in an area vital to the continued viability of all our campus communities.”

Sweat has been a supporter of APPA for the past 27 years. In 1998 she served on APPA's College Task force. She has been a participant in Thought Leaders symposiums, led several GAPPA committees, is a past President of GAPPA and SRAPPA, hosted an annual SRAPPA conference, was a Professional Affairs Committee member for several years – where she helped develop APPA’s Sustainability Award – and is currently serving as SRAPPA's junior representative to APPA.

To be eligible, individuals must have been an active member of APPA for a minimum of 10 years; attended and participated in meetings and other functions at the international level; and demonstrated continued and distinguished leadership service to the association.

Other recipients of the 2017 APPA Meritorious Service Award are Keith Woodward of Quinnipiac University and Shelton Riley of Texas Christian University. Honorees were recognized at the awards banquet July 22 at the 2017 APPA Annual Conference in San Francisco.