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Student newspaper alums took what they learned on campus and turned it into newsworthy careers_Central Michigan University[센트럴미시건대학교,미국대학학비]

by 미국유학 상담전화 ☏ 02-523-7002 2016. 10. 15.

Student newspaper alums took what they learned on campus and turned it into newsworthy careers_

Central Michigan University[센트럴미시건대학교,미국대학학비]

It all began by walking through the CM Life office door for the first time, knees probably a bit shaky.

From there, "Lifers" learn hands on what it takes to produce one of the top college newspapers in the country.

CM Life is a big deal: It's earned the Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker award – the highest national honor in college journalism – more than a dozen times since 1975. Most recently, the Michigan Press Association and Michigan Collegiate Press Association recognized CM Life as the 2015 College Newspaper of the Year for its division.

It's the perfect training ground for eager, driven journalism students.

CM Life alumni are leading national news coverage, working at global communications firms, designing pages seen by millions and putting their stamp on the world in lots of other ways.

But so much more than great college journalism happens in that newsroom, whether in the iconic basement of Anspach Hall years ago or in the sleeker Moore Hall office today.

"We created a sense of community," says Jim Wojcik, who was the campus newspaper's adviser for nearly 30 years and a father figure to many Lifers.

Going back decades, working at CM Life has meant late nights laying out the paper three times a week, spirited debates over controversial and hard-hitting stories, and so much takeout food.

Bonding happens there. And the start of something big.​