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University of Idaho

Geological Society Conference Offers Field Trips, Workshops to Teachers and Public_University of Idaho[아이다호대학교,미국대학장학금]

by 미국유학 상담전화 ☏ 02-523-7002 2016. 6. 4.

Geological Society Conference Offers Field Trips, Workshops to Teachers and Public_University of Idaho[아이다호대학교,미국대학장학금]

Teachers, geology enthusiasts and members of the public interested in the Palouse area’s history and significance can register for several field trips and workshops as part of the Geological Society of America’s Rocky Mountain Section Annual Meeting at the University of Idaho in May.

The annual meeting will bring more than 400 geologists and other professionals from across the nation to Moscow on Wednesday and Thursday, May 18-19, with field trips before and after.

Public field trips include:

Miocene Fossils in the Clarkia Area: Tuesday, May 17, $55. Bill Rember and Bridget Wade of UI will lead a trip to study the genesis and stratigraphy of the Clarkia fossil beds 50 miles east of Moscow. Fossil collection will be allowed.

Geology and Geologic History of the Moscow-Pullman Basin: Friday, May 20, $60. UI emeritus professor John Bush, Dean L. Garwood of Spokane Community College and Pamela Dunlap, an emeritus employee of the U.S. Geological Survey, will examine the complex geologic history of the late Grande Ronde, Wanapum and Saddle Mountains basalt flows into the Moscow-Pullman basin. This trip is of particular interest to people involved with local aquifer and water issues.

Geologic and Anthropogenic History of the Palouse Falls Area: Friday, May 20, $60. Chad Pritchard and Larry Cebula of Eastern Washington University will examine the geologic phenomena and historical significance of Palouse Falls.

A full list of all field trips is available on the conference website. Registration fees include transportation and meals. Those wishing to attend the field trips must also pay a $30 conference fee.

Two workshops also are available to the public, especially high school science teachers and online science instructors. Both classes cost $25, plus the $30 workshop-only conference registration:

Bringing Virtual Outcrops into Your Course: 8 a.m. to noon Tuesday, May 17, at UI. Presented by Callan Bentley of Northern Virginia Community College and Bill Richards of North Idaho College. Virtual field experiences offer a valid way to teach foundational geoscience concepts as well bring authentic research experiences into the classroom or online courses. This workshop will explore the potential role of Photospheres, GigaPans, GIGAmacros and unmanned aerial vehicle imagery in making virtual field experiences for K-12 learning, undergraduate geoscience education or geoscience outreach.

Google Tours, Sites and Embedded Assessments for Distance and Online Education: 1-5 p.m. Tuesday, May 17, at UI. Presented by Heather Almquist of the University of Montana. Google visualization, mapping and data management tools offer many options for online and distance education, as well as flipped classroom approaches. This workshop will explore some of Google Earth’s most intriguing imagery of geologic landforms and learn how to use Google Fusion Tables to create custom tours that are easy to access and update.

미국주립대 장학생 한미교육원

미국주립대 장학금 기관. 미국대학 입학&편입, 미국유학, 어학연수, 장학금, 미국유학준비

대표전화 1588-9774