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Kennesaw State University

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning to sponsor part-time faculty conference_ Kennesaw State University[케네소주립대,미국주립대 장학생 선발]

by 미국유학 상담전화 ☏ 02-523-7002 2016. 5. 25.

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning to sponsor part-time faculty conference_

Kennesaw State University[케네소주립대,미국주립대 장학생 선발]

Part-time faculty from colleges and universities across the nation will gather in Atlanta this June for the Symposium for Part-time, Adjunct and Contingent Education (SPACE), the first conference targeted specifically to the teaching and scholarship of adjunct faculty.

The one-day conference, sponsored by Kennesaw State University’s Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, is designed to give faculty who teach part-time the opportunity to present their teaching innovations as well as their original scholarship or creative activity to their peers.

According to U.S. Department of Education, part-time faculty make up the majority of the academic workforce, with more than 1.3 million part-time and contingent faculty teaching in U.S. higher education today. More than half of all instructors in higher education today teach part-time or on a limited term contract.

“While Kennesaw State has committed significant resources to part-time faculty, nationally low pay and few benefits continue to be a problem for adjuncts,” said Mandy McGrew, a faculty fellow for part-time faculty support and a part-time instructor in American Studies at Kennesaw State. “Often, non-tenure-track faculty members lack opportunity to attend conferences, present their research and talk about teaching.” 

The inaugural conference will provide faculty development training and opportunities to network with other contingent educators, as well as highlight the work that part-time faculty are doing both inside and outside of the classroom.

To emphasize the role of adjunct faculty beyond classroom teaching, conference participants are able to share their work in discipline-specific presentations on academic research, scholarly papers, creative projects and studies, in a peer-reviewed, professional setting.

McGrew, who organized the conference, is an advocate for part-time and contingent faculty, and wants to see adjunct faculty have the same opportunities for professional growth as their full-time colleagues.

“This is a chance to spotlight their achievements to the world, especially as some of them prepare for full-time academic employment,” said McGrew.

The keynote address, “Expanding the Scholarly Conversation on the New Faculty Majority and Contingent Faculty Work,” will be delivered by Kennesaw State associate professor of English Letizia Guglielmo and Georgia State professor and chair of English Lynee Lewis-Gaillet, who have recently published a book on contingent faculty opportunities.

The conference will be held June 18 at the Crown Plaza Ravinia in Atlanta, and is open to all non-permanent faculty members from any higher education institution. For more information or to register

미국주립대 장학생 한미교육원

미국주립대 장학금 기관. 미국대학 입학&편입, 미국유학, 어학연수, 장학금, 미국유학준비

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