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ETSU designated 'adult friendly' institution(이스트테네시주립대학교)East Tennessee State University[이화여대 교환학생,외국대학편입]

by 미국유학 상담전화 ☏ 02-523-7002 2017. 7. 3.

ETSU designated 'adult friendly' institution(이스트테네시주립대학교)

East Tennessee State University[이화여대 교환학생,외국대학편입]

East Tennessee State University has been designated an “Adult Friendly Institution” by the Coalition of Adult Learning Focused Institutions.

The coalition is sponsored by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning and includes about 70 institutions nationwide that strive to advance programs and services for adult students, evaluate their adult degree programs and share best practices. In becoming part of the coalition, ETSU is demonstrating its commitment to offering specialized services to meet the unique needs of adult students.

“We’re really proud of this designation,” said Dr. Richard Osborn, dean of Continuing Studies and Academic Outreach at ETSU. “The university worked hard for over a year to earn it. Adult students can be confident that ETSU constantly works to ensure that they are successful.” 

Adult, Commuter and Transfer Services (ACTS) at ETSU offers assistance for adult and transfer students returning to college. ACTS staff understand adult students’ specific needs and life challenges and are available to guide them through the process from start to finish. 

“The fact that ETSU has a dedicated office (ACTS) as well as an academic department (School of Continuing Studies & Academic Outreach) to meet the needs of incoming and matriculating adult students says a lot about ETSU’s recognition of the importance of adult learners in higher education” said Dr. Carla Warner, ACTS director.

To be more accessible, a “connect” button was recently added on the ACTS website that allows current and prospective adult students to live chat with an ETSU staff member. ACTS also offers a Reconnect Incentive Grant for returning students who have earned a minimum of 30 hours with a cumulative GPA of 2.25 or higher.  The Reentry Student Scholarship and the Nontraditional Student Scholarship are also open to adult students who qualify. The School of Continuing Studies and Academic Outreach offers several degree options geared toward the working adult student.

 “This designation is recognition that ETSU is a destination institution for adult students,” said Dr. Joe Sherlin, vice president for Student Affairs. “When adult students come through the door at ETSU, they have a team of committed staff who will work with them to achieve their educational goals and celebrate when they accept their diplomas at graduation.”

The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning is a national leader in the fields of adult learning and workforce development. More information is available at cael.org.

For more information about ETSU’s Adult Commuter and Transfer Services, call 423-439-5641 or visit etsu.edu/acts and ask to speak with Dr. Carla Warner or Jennifer Rice.