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North Dakota State University(노스다코타주립대)Engineering faculty member named Booth Professor[미국주립대 장학금 프로그램]

by 미국유학 상담전화 ☏ 02-523-7002 2017. 5. 16.

North Dakota State University(노스다코타주립대)Engineering faculty member named Booth Professor[미국주립대 장학금 프로그램]

Eakalak Khan, professor of civil and environmental engineering, has been named a Walter B. Booth Endowed Distinguished Professor.

Booth Endowed Distinguished Professorships acknowledge faculty excellence in teaching and research. Recipients must demonstrate an exceptional record of achievement in their area of specialization. The two-year appointments include $20,000 in research support per year.

Khan, who came to NDSU in 2002, is director of the North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute. He previously was director of the environmental and conservation sciences graduate program. Khan earned his bachelor’s degree at Chiang Mai University, Thailand, master’s degree in agricultural engineering from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and master’s and doctoral degrees in civil engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles. His vita includes two books and book chapters, 83 refereed journal publications, 65 conference publications and 102 poster or oral presentations.

“Dr. Kahn’s research and teaching records have been outstanding and well balanced throughout his career at NDSU,” said Dinesh Katti, Jordan A. Engberg Presidential Professor and interim chair of civil and environmental engineering, who nominated Khan for the honor. “His commitment, achievements and contributions to research, teaching and advising at NDSU and the field of environmental engineering have been tremendous.”

The appointment for the 2017-19 academic years is effective July 1.