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For·Words Series Continues with Planetarium Reading_Truman State University[트루먼주립대학교,재수설명회]

by 미국유학 상담전화 ☏ 02-523-7002 2016. 10. 24.

For·Words Series Continues with Planetarium Reading_Truman State University[트루먼주립대학교,재수설명회]

Author Jack Smith will be reading from his 2016 novel, “Being,” as part of the for·Words series sponsored by the Department of English and Linguistics.

The event will take place at 4:30 p.m. Oct. 24 in the Del & Norma Robison Planetarium. 

Smith has published three novels including “Icon” and “Hog to Hog,” which won the 2007 George Garrett Fiction Prize. He has published stories in a number of literary magazines, including Southern Review, North American Review, Texas Review, Xconnect, In Posse Review and Night Train. His reviews have appeared widely in such publications as Ploughshares, Georgia Review, American Book Review, Prairie Schooner, Mid-American Review, Pleiades, the Missouri Review, Xconnect and Environment magazine. He has published a few dozen articles in both Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market and The Writer magazine. His creative writing book, “Write and Revise for Publication: A 6-Month Plan for Crafting an Exceptional Novel and Other Works of Fiction,” was published in 2013. His coauthored nonfiction environmental book, “Killing Me Softly,” was published 2002. 

In addition to his writing, Smith was fiction editor of GHLL, an online literary magazine published by Truman for 25 years.