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Georgia Southern offers area schools chance to win 3-D printer_GEORGIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY[미국 대학 교육기관,미국유학]

by 미국유학 상담전화 ☏ 02-523-7002 2016. 9. 27.

Georgia Southern offers area schools chance to win 3-D printer_


The Innovation Studio in the College of Education is offering area schools the chance to win a 3-D printer in order to integrate the technology into their class curriculums.

Schools are invited to submit proposals to the Studio that present ideas for educational activities with 3-D printing, including their expected student learning outcomes and plans for collaboration and sustainability. The school with the strongest proposal will win a Makerbot Replicator Desktop 3-D printer. There is only one 3-D printer available, so there will be only one winner.

Mete Akcaoglu, Ph.D., and Eunbae Lee, Ph.D., both assistant professors in the Department of Leadership, Technology & Human Development and founders of the Innovation Studio, say that the competition is based on the fundamental belief that student learning experiences can be richer when they are engaged in authentic problem solving, creating products they can hold in their hands and share them with their friends.

“When 3-D printers were first introduced, only industrial markets could afford to capitalize on this technology,” said Akcaoglu. “Today, we are seeing a trend whereby 3-D printing has made significant progress to impacting an area closer to home — education.”

Educators and administrators from area P-12 public schools are asked to submit the proposals by 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 18, before the Thanksgiving Break. The proposal should be five to seven pages covering all the aspects detailed in the proposal guidelines, which are available online at bit.ly/GSWin3DPrinter. One school will be named the winner of the 3-D printer on Monday, Dec. 12.

“We are happy to reach out to local schools and work with teachers, school library and media specialists, technology coaches, and administrators,” said Lee. “Innovation Studio at Georgia Southern offers expertise and resources to help our students become innovators.”