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Glenn Hill Center naming dedication set for Sept. 30_North Dakota State University[노스다코타주립대,입시설명회]

by 미국유학 상담전화 ☏ 02-523-7002 2016. 9. 23.

Glenn Hill Center naming dedication set for Sept. 30_

North Dakota State University[노스다코타주립대,입시설명회]

NDSU is scheduled to hold a naming dedication for the A. Glenn Hill Center Friday, Sept. 30, at 10 a.m., in the plaza between the Memorial Union and Hill Center.

The new academic building, previously known as the STEM Education and Lab building, was renamed earlier this year following State Board of Higher Education approval. The new name is in honor of Professor A. Glenn Hill, a faculty member who served in the Department of Mathematics from 1927 to 1967, including more than two decades as chair. Hill had a profound effect on generations of scientists and engineers who graduated from NDSU. 

The A. Glenn Hill Center opened to classes in January 2016. It is a student-focused environment made up entirely of classrooms, labs and study areas, with an emphasis on science, technology, engineering and mathematics. It is designed for hands-on learning that is a differentiator in the educational environment at NDSU.

Dedicated math teacher

Hill was a dedicated teacher and a pioneer in pedagogy and advocacy for mathematics. Under his leadership, the department grew from six full-time members in 1943 to 20 faculty and eight graduate assistants in 1961, while the number of students tripled, and the number of higher-level courses was expanded.

He developed an accelerated program for the department, and was co-author of three books on mathematics, which were widely used at the time. He was the author of a number of publications on mathematics and was instrumental in the adoption of new mathematical concepts and procedures.

During his 39 years at the university, Hill was an active participant in campus events. He was awarded an honorary Doctor of Service Award by Blue Key in 1948, and in 1960 was selected to give the university’s Faculty Lecture, a high honor bestowed by his peers. He led or participated in numerous other campus and community groups.

Hill was born in Erie, North Dakota, to a family dedicated to college education. He was a country school master before entering NDSU and earning his bachelor’s degree in 1927. He took a leave of absence from teaching at NDSU to earn his master of science degree at the University of Wisconsin in 1931.

A 1960 newspaper column described his professionalism, effective but unassuming leadership, and integrity, along with the importance of the department to the institution. “To become an engineer, a chemist and to be adequate in a number of other fields, one most know how to calculate,” the columnist wrote.

The columnist goes on to describe how Hill came to join the faculty: “It was while he was studying calculus that one of the biggest moments of his life occurred. The math department head… summoned him one day and designated him a teaching assistant. This was news to speed to Erie: Glenn was now a ‘college teacher.’ ”

Hill had offers to move on to bright lights in big cities, but always declined. “It’s not that I do not like money or place,” he said. “It is that I like North Dakota, and Fargo, and the college and the young people I work with more.”

Hill died in January 1967, a few months before his scheduled retirement that June. One of the news reports after his death lamented his loss to the university, saying, “He had been so much of the school since 1927 that many students can’t remember when he wasn’t a part of it.” The writer also acknowledged his stint as an acting athletic director in 1954 during a period of uncertainty, while maintaining his effectiveness as an instructor. He reportedly had a chance to sign with a major league baseball team when he was 15, but his parents were opposed to Sunday baseball, and he did not sign. He played college football briefly, until he was injured.