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Washington Monthly ranks UT Martin in top-20 southern colleges_University of Tennessee at Martin[테네시대학교 마틴 캠퍼스,미국대학유학원]

by 미국유학 상담전화 ☏ 02-523-7002 2016. 9. 2.

Washington Monthly ranks UT Martin in top-20 southern colleges_

University of Tennessee at Martin[테네시대학교 마틴 캠퍼스,미국대학유학원]

Tennessee state Rep. Andy Holt (R-Dresden) and state Sen. John Stevens (R-Huntingdon) spoke with UT Martin Department of Family and Consumer Sciences students, dietetic interns and faculty Aug. 25 in Gooch Hall. Pictured are (front row, l-r): Halle Hudson, Angel Billingsley, Autumn Johnson, Allison Roland, Lisa Plunk, Rachael Dill, (back row) Amber Buckner, Laurie Johnson, Dr. Todd Winters (dean, College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences), Holt, Stevens, Andrea Richardson, Lacy McCaig, Dr. Joey Mehlhorn (interim chair, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences) and Brian Carroll (dietetic internship director).