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Eastern Illinois University

EIU Honors 2015-2016 Retirees_Eastern Illinois University[이스턴일리노이주립대,미국유학]

by 미국유학 상담전화 ☏ 02-523-7002 2016. 5. 28.

EIU Honors 2015-2016 Retirees_Eastern Illinois University[이스턴일리노이주립대,미국유학]

More than 100 Eastern Illinois University employees were recently recognized as faculty/staff members who have retired or plan to retire during the 2015-2016 school year.

They include, from left to right, first row:  President David Glassman (in attendance to greet and honor the retirees) and Robert Wiseman; second row:  Mary Hennig, Melinda Meehling, Duangrudi Suksang, Joni Lutz, Patti Bailey, Vicki Irby, Teresa Sims and Lisa Standerfer; third row:  James Conwell, Gary Fritz, Kevin Larkin, Reggie Galey, Deb Black, Debbie Fay, Linda Moore, Lori Creek, Deborah Barker, Marty Hackler, Margaret Weaver and Pamela Newby; and fourth row:  John McInerney, Keith Wilson, Belayet Khan, Robert Bates, William Higelmire, Glenn Hild, Rich Cavanaugh, Marilyn Coles, John Looby, Adam Due and William Slough.

Other retirees include John Allison, Andy Anderson, Cathy Ashmore, Brett Bensley, Tina Best, Henry Brown, Kathryn Bulver, Steven Calhoun, Lynn Calvert, Stephen Canfield, T. Christine Chambers, Lisa Childress, Allen Clayton, Mai Dao, Linda Daugherty, William Davis, Donna Dawson, Sonna Dust, Tami Duzan, Ruth Flaherty, Linda Foster, Shelley French, Gary Fulk, Cheryl Gilbert, Jeanne Goble, Frank Goldacker, Rick Haney, Kim Harris, Ted Hart, Thomas Hawkins, Mary Herrington-Perry, Jerri Hinton, Peggy Holmes-Layman, Zoraida Irizarry, Dennis Jackson, Sandra Johnson, Diana Kennedy, Phil Lang, Pamela Levine, Damita Lewis, Alex Martino, Ron Mason, Shelia Maulding, Randy McCammon, Jeanna McFarland, Tena McNamara, Andrew McNitt, John David Moore, Yevgenya Movshovich, Sarah Newby, W. Harold Ornes, Patricia Orr, Dannie Otto, Kathy Reed, Sandra Reeds, Linda Reven, Beth Ridgeway, Brenda Roberts, Philip Rogers, Mary Russell, James Schmitz, Tamara Sharp, Timothy Shonk, Patricia Sparks, Janie Steber, Charles Welch, Brenda Wilson, Danny Wilson, Charles Woodfall and Tim Zgonina.

미국주립대 장학생 한미교육원

미국주립대 장학금 기관. 미국대학 입학&편입, 미국유학, 어학연수, 장학금, 미국유학준비

대표전화 1588-9774