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North Dakota State University

Graduate students host hands-on scientific activities for area students_North Dakota State University[노스다코타주립대,미국주립대장학생유학]

by 미국유학 상담전화 ☏ 02-523-7002 2016. 5. 12.

Graduate students host hands-on scientific activities for area students_

North Dakota State University[노스다코타주립대,미국주립대장학생유학]

An NDSU graduate student called on volunteers to dunk a banana and flower into liquid nitrogen. The banana turned hard like a hammer and students used it to shatter the flower’s petals like glass. “Cool, much better than class,” said a high school student who was watching.

The hands-on scientific activity was one of many at the second annual graduate student-run event, Avenues of Scientific Discovery. Graduate students led more than 180 area high school students through experiments such as extracting DNA from strawberries, observing pond water microorganisms and learning how diseases spread.

Avenues of Scientific Discovery is among many NDSU events designed to introduce the next generation of young professionals to scientific fields. These events create a fun and safe environment for area high school students to learn about core science concepts from different disciplines. Eighty graduate student volunteers representing 12 programs assisted with the event.

“We wanted to show that even though science can be difficult at times, it is all around us and can be really fun,” said microbiology graduate student Breanne Steffan, one of the event coordinators.

Steffan grew up in rural North Dakota and didn’t discover microbiology until she arrived at NDSU. Her goal is to introduce high school students to a wide range of scientific fields and inspire them to pursue careers they may not have otherwise known about.

“We want to make sure that students have the ability to explore different science fields so that they can discover their passion for science early on,” she said.

Organizers are planning the next Avenues of Scientific Discovery for fall 2017.

미국주립대 장학생 한미교육원

미국주립대 장학금 기관. 미국대학 입학&편입, 미국유학, 어학연수, 장학금, 미국유학준비

한미교육원 서울본사 1588-9774 / 한미교육원 부산지사 051-747-0030